>> Saturday, May 1, 2010
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 10; the tenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
This post has escaped from the realms of the blog. Please come back again to this blog for the next edition of Blog-a-ton.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
26 Expert Comments:
ha ha ha... u sud totally win blogaton...:D
just think if all the comments also escape ? then? entered yur bheja or escaped?
a comment just escaped this space... Maybe searching for a longer post to settle on...
LOL...This is by far the wittiest take on this subject..In fact verrrry profound!!!LOL..All the best for winning the BATOM-10
I couldn't "escape" from commenting here. :P
LMAO! You #win BATOM, already! ;)
By the way, don't you think it should have been this POST instead of this POST-ED - eh? :|
PS: Visit
Gone... gone... gone... and escaped!
LOL!!!! :D hehee..! brilliant!
Escapist ! :P
..escape !
Yes, I am an Escapist. But that is what Blog-a-ton 10 is all about.
It was like a commercial break reading your post! Anyway, I like the "warning" man.
Sureindran R. - Escape
I too was thinking of escaping from BAT this time in a similar way but I did not ...I still scribbled few lines ....
Anyways good one...
lolzzz :D what an escape :D
Hahaha... awesome
so are my comments :)
u know wat ...a little humour is a good thing
ha ha ha..
very well escaped..
Ha ha ha. good joke.
You must be a master escapist. I've seen you artfully escape every posting!
Hahahaha :))) you really are the escapist No.1
lol.. this remindd me of my 'What If I don't participate' post :p
Even though the post lacked substance, the way you've narrated it like a story is truly commendable. The words you've used, the methodology you've used to tell this story of courage and escapism are mind-blowing. I wonder how you come up with such plots, man. LOL....... :D :D :D :P
Awesome, dude. Awesome! :)
:D I wanted to escape but the blog is too tempting. Hope the comment does not escape.
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